c. 47 acres, Knockanemore, Ovens, Co. Cork

c. 47 acres, Knockanemore, Ovens, Co. Cork
Price on Request
For Sale
190,202 sq.m.
This holding comprises excellent quality agricultural land which would suit a range of farming enterprises just a short drive from Ballincollig. The property has access from the local road off the N22 as well as an access off the N22 via a right of way. The vast majority of the land is in permanent pasture and is south facing.
Mains Water Available
The land is currently all in permanent pasture, of excellent quality, is south facing and slopes down from its northern boundary to its southern boundary. It is bounded to the north and west by similar agricultural land and a former quarry to the south.
The property is situated close to the heart of Ovens and just a short drive from Ballincollig. It is accessed from the N22 by turning right onto the Local road at Desmonds Bar on the N22 coming from Ballincollig. On the local road follow the road around to the left and the property is on the left hand side of the road immediately after the right hand turn. Alternatively, the property can be accessed directly off the N22 via a right of way from the John A Woods entrance on the northern side of the road.
Viewing by prior appointment only.