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Donoughmore Cross

Development Site



Within easy access of Blarney ( c.17km) the site is accessed from Blarney Village by taking the Shournagh Road from the Blarney-Tower Road as far as New Tipperary and turning left for Donoughmore Cross. The property is on the left hand side of the road before the former GP surgery.

Alternatively, from Inniscarra take the Kanturk road as far as Derry Cross and turn right for Donoughmore

The property comprises a c.2.32 acre development site which has planning permission for 5 detached houses. The land is currently undeveloped and all in grass so should be easily developed. The property has road frontage along its northern boundary, homes to the east and west and agricultural land to the south. The site is generally level.

Planning permission

Full planning permission has been granted by Cork County Council, with conditions, for the development of the enclosed schedule of accommodation on 12-11-2018 under planning file reference no 18/04732.

The proposed schedule of accommodation comprises:

House no’s Style Floor area sq.ft. Floor area sq.m. No. of
1,3,5 4 bed detached       2940        273                     3
2,4 4 bed detached         2124       197.3                    2
Total: 5 units

Part V: The proposed development does not have a Part V requirement to be satisfied.

Services: Access to the mains water is available whilst storm water is to be discharged to a local stream via an attenuation tank and each house is to provide their own septic tank for sewer

Title: We understand that the property is held freehold.

Solicitor: TO BE ADVISED

Further details: Copies of planning permission, house drawings etc available from Sole Agents.

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