Strawberry Hill, Sunday’s Well, Co. Cork

Strawberry Hill, Sunday’s Well, Co. Cork
Situated in one of Corks most exclusive residential areas this site is within walking distance of the city centre, UCC, Mercy University Hospital and Bons Secours Hospital. The house for which planning permission has been granted is architect designed and has been planned to make maximum use of the site and the elevated position which the site holds.
Location: Situated north west of Cork city centre the property is accessed from the city centre on Sundays Well Road turn right onto Convent Avenue. On Convent Avenue continue on to the junction with Strawberry Hill. Turn left onto Strawberry Hill and take the immediate right. The site it to the immediate west of the existing house
Description: The property comprises of c.0.11 acres with all services available on the adjacent Strawberry Hill.
Full planning permission has been granted by Cork County Council for the development of one house (c.2485 sq.ft. / c.231 sq.m.) under file reference no: 16/36740 on 24-3-16.
The accommodation comprises:
Lower Floor: Entrance Hall, toilet, storage, carport
Ground Floor: Kitchen/Dining room, living room, utility room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom
Upper Floor: Bedroom with ensuite, walk in wardrobe
Services: Mains Water, Sewer & Storm
Directions:Situated north west of Cork city centre the property is accessed from the city centre on Sundays Well Road turn right onto Convent Avenue. On Convent Avenue continue on to the junction with Strawberry Hill. Turn left onto Strawberry Hill and take the immediate right. The site is to the immediate west of the existing house